Harass the Pitchers or Baby the Batters? Posted on June 29, 2021June 29, 2021 By cesarlove Major League Baseball new enforcement against the use of pitchers applying substances to baseballs reflects a strengthened advantage of batters against pitchers in the birthchart of the National League. Changes in the rules and policies of Major League Baseball are generally mirrored in transits to the chart of the National League. National League Feb. 2, 1876 1:15 pm CST Chicago, Ill MLB Announced Substance Enforcement vs Pitchers June 16, 2021 12:00 CST Chicago The new enforcement policy against pitchers was announced on June 15, 2021 with Jupiter, the planet of batters, in transit at 2 degrees Pisces and conjunct the National League MC. This transit grossly favors batters over pitchers. Oddly, on the day of the announcement, the Sun was in Gemini, a pitcher’s sign and conjunct the National League’s Gemini Ascendant. This transit appears to favor the pitchers but it only places the Sun’s glare on the pitchers. The new rule places sunlight on the pitchers. What they could previously do in private is now open to exposure. The current square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus is also present in this new rule. The National League’s Sun is located at 13 Aquarius and its Moon is at 9 Taurus. This natal square is directly absorbing the current transit of Saturn at 13 Aquarius and Uranus at 13 Taurus. Saturn is the planet of rules and authority. In the sign of Aquarius, it is naturally in favor of more home runs and increased offense as Aquarius rules the home run. Of course the Uranus square will also want more home runs and more offense. For decades, any rule changes within MLB have favored offense over defense. This year, the pitchers were beginning to bring back a balance between defense and offense. But it appears to have been short lived. With the help of these transits of June 15, the authorities who lord over MLB created a judgemental enforcement mechanism to weaken the strength of the pitchers against the batters. Blogs
Celtics Win with Part of Fortune Posted on June 18, 2024June 18, 2024 The Boston Celtics won the NBA championship this evening at 10:59 pm EDT with the Part of Fortune at 24 degrees, 46 minutes Gemini which was conjunct the Celtics Mercury and North Node in Gemini. In my observations of championship wins in various sports, at the precise moment that the… Read More
Reflections on Game One Posted on October 26, 2024October 26, 2024 Game One proved to be a microcosm of my expectations for the 2024 World Series as the game was pressure-packed Scorpionic ordeal with a Neptunian character coming through as the hero. Freeman’s walk-off grandslam occurred at 8:38 pm with Jupiter close to a conjunction with the Ascendant and the IC… Read More
Sides Agree to Play Ball Upon NL’s Mercury Return Posted on March 14, 2022March 14, 2022 March 13 Soon after the National League experienced its Mercury return on March 10, the MLP Players Association and Major League Baseball came to an agreement that ends the lockout and permits a full 162-game season. By the time the agreement was fully complete, Mercury was also exactly conjunct the… Read More