Reflections on Game Two Posted on October 28, 2024October 28, 2024 By cesarlove Los Angeles Dodgers April 1, 1874 10:30 am PDT Los Angeles In Game Two, the Dodgers pitching received a very favorable aspect from Mercury as 20 degrees Scorpio formed an exact trine to their natal Mercury of 20 degrees Pisces. Mercury rules pitchers, and Dodgers pitcher Yushinobu Yamamoto held the Yankees to one hit in 6 1/3 innings. Meanwhile, the Moon at 4 degrees Virgo, made a difficult square aspect to the Yankees natal Mercury of 5 degrees Sagittarius. Yankees starter Carlos Rodon gave up 3 home runs in 3 1/ 3 innings and would take the loss. New York Yankees Nov 13, 1900 9:34 am EST New York Mercury at 20 Scorpio did make a favorable conjunction to the Yankees Sun of 20 Scorpio. The Sun rules right fielders and Yankees right fielder Juan Soto would bat 2 for 4 including a home run. Ohtani Injured Oct. 26, 2024 7:32 pm PDT Los Angeles Dodgers DH Shohei Ohtani would become hurt at 7:32 pm while an Ascendant of 2 gemini was conjunct his Mars of 1 Gemini. Gemini rules hands and arms. The injury turned out to a sublaxation of his shoulder, rather than damage to his arms and hands as was initially reported. Shoulders are ruled by Venus and the sign Taurus. A noon chart for Ohtani’s birthchart has his Moon in the 29th degree of Taurus and conjunct to his Mars. A Taurus Moon would be consistent with such a shoulder injury and the emotional pain he showed upon becoming hurt. Shohie Ohtani July 5, 1994 Approxitate time In Game Two, Ohtani also experienced excessive aspects to his natal Jupiter. The Sun in Scorpio was conjunct to his Jupiter in Scorpio, while the Moon in Virgo was sextile his Jupiter. These are seemingly favorable aspects. But perhaps they led him over extend himself when attempting to steal the base. Jupiter brings a lack of caution as one proceeds beyond regular limits. Blogs #baseballastrology#dodgersastrology#shoheiohtaniastrology#sportsastrology#yankeesastrologyworldseriesastrology
Love Sports Astrology on Giants Woman Coach Posted on May 4, 2022May 4, 2022 Andrea Mallis and I discuss the astrology behind Alyssa Nakken’s coaching debut, the Giants history of progressive breakthroughs, and the goddess energy within baseball. Read More
Garcia’s HR: Has Rangers Saturn Evolved? Posted on October 28, 2023October 28, 2023 At the moment Adolis Garcia hit the 11th inning, walk-off homerun of Game 1 of the 2023 World Series, the Ascendant-Descendant axis in Arlington was positioned in the 15 degree of Cancer and the 15 degree of Capricorn. These axes points were conjunct to the Mars-Saturn opposition in the birthchart… Read More
Astros, Phillies win Pennants under Saturn Aspects Posted on October 26, 2022October 26, 2022 It is Saturn who crowns the champions of pennants and World Series. When the last out of the deciding game of a League Championship Series is recorded, there is inevitably an aspect from an axis point to Saturn in transit or to Saturn in the birthchart of the winning team…. Read More