Pete Rose Dies on Reds’ Mars Return Posted on October 1, 2024October 1, 2024 By cesarlove Pete Rose, the most iconic player to wear a Cincinnati Reds uniform, died as the Reds underwent a Mars return. Mars is considered in malefic and harbinger of death in many astrological traditions. Rose’s death was made public in the afternoon of Sept 30, 2024. A noon chart for the day has Mars in transit at 14 degrees, 44 minutes Cancer conjunct the Reds natal Mars of 16 degrees, 46 minutes Cancer. Also at noon, the Moon in Virgo was conjunct to the Reds Sun in Virgo and in opposition to transitting Saturn at 14 degrees Pisces. Pete Rose Death Sept. 30, 2024 noon chart, Las Vegas, Nv. Cincinnati Reds Sept. 9, 1868 3:23 pm EST Cincinnati, Ohio The cause of Pete Rose’s death has not been announced. Foul play is not suspected, and there do not appear to be malevolent transits to the birthchart of Rose. Interestingly, the most striking aspect to his birthchart is Venus conjunct to his Part of Fortune in Scorpio. This is considered a benefic transit for gamblers such as Pete Rose. His Part of Fortune, however is square to his Mars in Aquarius. This square within his birthchart likely contributed to his gambling addiction as Mars in Aquarius brings a libertine attitude. Rose reportedly has no qualms in breaking the rules to feed his lust for fortune (Fortuna in Scorpio). But what the Venus transit could have to say about his death remains a mystery to this astrologer. Pete Rose April 14, 1941 5:15 am EST Cincinnati, Ohio Blogs #baseballastrology#peteroseastrology#sportsastrologyCincinnatiRedsastrology
Transits for Games 3 Posted on October 29, 2021October 29, 2021 Oct. 29, 2021 Two transits stand out in the chart of Game 3: the Sun in exact square to Saturn, and the Moon near to an exact opposition to Jupiter. Saturn and Jupiter are currently 15 degrees apart. This is a minor aspect called a quattuorvigintile or semi-duodecile. It is… Read More
Rickwood Field Game under Negro Leagues’ Lunar Return Posted on June 21, 2024June 21, 2024 The first pitch of the MLB game at Rickwood Field to celebrate the Negro Leagues occured at 6:36 pm on June 20, 2024 while the birthchart of the Negro Leagues was experiencing a lunar return. Moons are the repositories of heritage. As this game was a celebration of history, it… Read More
Draymond Green Slugs Poole under Mars Transits Posted on October 10, 2022October 10, 2022 The scene between Warriors teammates Draymond Green and Jordan Poole, which ended with Green punching his younger teammate, occurred under two severe transits to the Warriors’ natal chart. The altercation occurred during a Warriors practice on October 5, 2022. A video of the scene exists, but the exact time of… Read More