Astrology of the Golden State Warriors Posted on June 3, 2022April 8, 2024 By cesarlove I have been asked if I have a birthchart for the Golden State Warriors. I do have a birthchart of the Warriors but the chart is not yet rectified. I have cast this chart for June 6, 1946. The 9:00 am birth time is an approximation. I have also cast the chart for San Francisco, where they currently reside rather than their birthplace of Philadelphia. Golden State Warriors June 6, 1946 9:00 am San Francisco, Ca. The Warriors were born in Philadelphia in 1946. They would move to the Bay Area in 1962. Multiple sources point to a Warriors’ birthdate of June 6, 1946. The Warriors emerged as part of a multiple birth of that included 11 teams with the formation of a new league called the Basketball Association of America. Among the other teams that shared the womb with the Warriors and were born the same day are the New York Knickerbockers and the Boston Celtics. The other eight teams were the St. Louis Bombers, Chicago Stags, Detroit Falcons, Cleveland Rebels, Pittsburgh Ironmen, Washington Capitols, Providence Steamrollers and Toronto Huskies. These eight teams would not survive past their infancy due to financial difficulties. The unrectified Warriors’ birthchart has four bodies in Gemini: Sun, Uranus, North Node and Mercury. This reflects the speed of the Warriors team. With the Moon in Virgo and South Node in Gemini, this birthchart has a lot of mutability. This is the chart of a team that quickly adapts to unfolding situations, such as the need for a new game plan or an adjustment for an injury. Stephen Curry March 14, 1988 12 noon Akron, Ohio Stephen Curry’s birthchart complements the Warriors’ birthchart. Curry was born March 14, 1988 and has the Sun and North Node conjunct at 23 and 24 degrees Pisces and a South Node of 23 Virgo. When these bodies in Curry’s birthchart are matched with Mercury and the South Node in the Warriors birthchart, Curry and the Warriors have a Grand Cross in the mutable signs. This makes for a very versatile and dexterous combination. The Warriors chart also shows resonance with the birthcharts of other San Francisco Bay Area teams. Their Pluto at 10 degrees Leo is conjunct the Athletics’ Mars of 10 degrees Leo. The Warriors’ Mercury at 23 Gemini is conjunct the Giants’ Jupiter of 27 Gemini and square the Giants’ Uranus of 23 Virgo. The Warriors also have resonance with the 49ers as their Sun of 15 Gemini is conjunct the 49ers Sun of 14 Gemini. And both the Warriors and 49ers have their Suns conjunct to Uranus, which reflects the Uranian nature of the S.F. Bay Area. Articles #astrology of Warriors
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